Thursday, December 10, 2009

Setting Goals

Personally, I have come to terms with the fact that I, like all of humanity, am living a meaningless and purposeless life. So, if you're one of those who still pose yourself the question: 'what is my purpose? i.e. for what reason have I been "created"' or 'why am I here on earth?' Then I think the answer is staring you in the face if you're brave enough to accept it i.e. there is no purpose.

However, goals are different, since these are essentially desires that you decide for yourself and, therefore, strive to achieve. I think goals are important because otherwise you will drift aimlessly, with no apparent benefits. So, please do set goals, aim high and go for them!

You need to commit in order to achieve set goals. So while it is decidedly good/beneficial to be multi-faceted (I am one of those ppl too), committing to some intention is rewarding in the long run. But you mustn't feel that commitment necessarily requires you to be mono-focused e.g. you can commit to becoming a professional of some sort (psychologist, doctor, teacher, lawyer etc) but at the same time still engage in your other interests like writing in your spare time or whatever! You shouldn't abandon ALL your interests for just ONE. But one or two may have to take priority for a period of time as a result of the need to commit!

I admit, of cos, that ironically, part of the reason for goal-setting is essentially to fabricate meaning and purpose to fill the void.


1 comment:

  1. Goal setting sure is abt filling the void!
    Great post...
